What if, at a moment’s notice, you could know how your Board of Directors interacted with your last message? Or your “2020 Champions.” Or your “Grassroots Go Team.” Did more than half of them open it? How many from each group clicked through on a specific link?
Enter the Email Performance by Tag report, a breakdown of the stats of an outbound email message by the tags of the recipients. It lives both as a flash report and a chart on the individual email reporting screen.
Using tags within SparkInfluence is a great way segment your stakeholder database into groups that are important to your effort (i.e. your Board of Directors, attendees at your most recent event/conference, people interested in topic ABC and not XYZ, etc.). With this report you’re now able to see how those specific groups perform when it comes to your emails.
The Email Performance by Tag breaks out the email by up to the Top 100 tags of your recipient list, showing you:
- Recipients: number of individuals with a given tag that received this particular email
- Unique Opens: number of distinct individuals who opened this email; does NOT count individuals who open a single email multiple times
- Unique Clicks: number of distinct individuals who clicked a link within your email; does NOT count individuals who click any links within your email multiple times
- Never Opened: number of stakeholders with a given tag have never opened an email from you
- New Recipient Count: Total Count minus Never Opened
- Effective Open Rate: Percent of Unique Opens within New Recipient Count (see: Effective Open Rate)
- Original Open Rate: Percent of Unique Opens within Recipients