SparkInfluence Glossary

Email Performance by Tag (report)

What if, at a moment’s notice, you could know how your Board of Directors interacted with your last message? Or your “2020 Champions.” Or your “Grassroots Go Team.” Did more than half of them open it? How many from each group clicked through on a specific link? Enter the Email Performance by Tag report, a […]

Key Contacts

Key Contacts are stakeholders who have relationships with elected officials that you want to capture & leverage. You may refer to them as your grasstops as opposed to your grassroots advocates. Key Contacts can be linked with any legislator in SparkInfluence, regardless of constituency. The legislator will appear in the Key Contact’s stakeholder profile, and […]

Merge Tags / Merge Fields

Merge tags or fields are pieces of information from individual stakeholder profiles that can be inserted into outbound email messages. These data points are customized for each individual stakeholder who receives the email and are automatically populated once the message has been sent. For example, instead of “Dear Supporter” as a greeting, you could substitute […]

Point values & gamification

Gamification is the application of game design elements and principles in non-game contexts to improve user engagement, organizational productivity, voter apathy, and much more. Within SparkInfluence, gamification is used in the context of actions and stakeholders. Point values can be assigned to each action you create and will be awarded to stakeholders who complete that […]

Recipient group (within an action)

A recipient group within the action area is the list of targets to whom the action is being directed. For example, with a Write Your Legislator action, the recipient group would be some collection of legislators (federal, state, or custom). Within the context of actions, recipient groups are NOT stakeholders who you will be calling […]

Recipients (within Communications)

Recipients of an email are the stakeholders to whom you are sending your message. Within the context of communications, recipients are NOT target legislators. See: Creating recipients for outbound emails.

Register User (form)

The Register User form is what SparkInfluence calls a sign-up form. It is used to collect information from individuals and add them as stakeholders to your database.

Regular send

Nearly every outbound communication you push out (like a call to action, newsletter, invitation to an event, update on issues, etc.) is considered a regular send. Even emails that you plan to schedule for a future day and time are considered a regular send.


In SparkInfluence, stakeholders are the individuals in your database who receive your communications and/or take action on important issues; they are involved with you/your team via the platform in some way. Other organizations or companies may refer to them as advocates, supporters, or customers. See: tagging/grouping your stakeholders.


In SparkInfluence, tags are a way of segmenting your data and identifying stakeholders who belong to a particular group. Tags can denote anything you want—geographic location, donor or volunteer status, topic areas, event participation, and so much more. Unlike other platforms and systems, tags in SparkInfluence are dynamic, which means they are clickable and provide […]

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