
Adding / Importing Stakeholders

Adding new stakeholders to your effort is easy in SparkInfluence. Whether looking to add a single stakeholder or bulk import a group, the process is quick. And with options for bulk tag new additions along with a simple mapping screen to guide you, you can be sure your advocates are added to your database correctly […]

Editing a Stakeholder Profile

It’s not uncommon for stakeholders to move or change other details of their profile over the life of your advocacy effort. With that in mind, SparkInfluence provides a quick and easy way to update a Stakeholder’s profile. Editing a Stakeholder Profile From the Stakeholder Profile screen, look for Options toward the middle top of the […]

Merging Stakeholder Profiles

If you have stakeholders who engage with you using multiple sets of contact information – like signing up to receive information with both their personal AND work email addresses, for example – you may want to consider merging their two profiles in the database for a more accurate count of your stakeholders, and to make […]

Tagging / Grouping Stakeholders

Tags are extremely powerful in SparkInfluence as a way to group or aggregate stakeholders together any way you see fit. More than that, our reporting means that you can not only print out a list of all stakeholders assigned to that tag, but retrieve in-depth reports, charts and graphs related to their activity. Sort, segment […]

Tracking Engagement By Organization

Like Tags, Organizations are a great way to group together stakeholders. In this case, instead of grouping users by like qualities – tagging them with 2020Board or by issue interest – we’re grouping them together based on affiliation such as where they work or an association they belong to. More than just grouping stakeholders together, […]

Adding Key Contacts

Advocacy is more than just letters, phone calls and tweets, it’s about the people behind the actions. Similarly, an effective advocacy effort is more than just grassroots participation, it’s about engaging legislators and their staff on all possible levels and being a resource or expert in the field when needed. SparkInfluence’s Grasstops & Key Contact […]

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