The Tweet Legislator/Person action type allows your stakeholders to connect with decision makers on social media. This could be encouraging your stakeholders to tweet a federal legislator, a state senator, their governor or a decision maker / custom target you’ve added to the system.
To set up custom or non-legislator targets for your action, see Creating/Editing Custom Targets.
Getting Started
As you create your action and starting with the “Let’s Dive Into the Basics” screen, be sure to set a time frame over which your form will be live. Also, add in any tags that you’d like assigned to stakeholders taking action in the appropriate field.
In the “Action Messaging” screen, enter your desired Tweet on the right hand side of the screen, and a live preview will display in the box on the left hand side. If you’re targeting decision makers with your tweet, and you should be, you MUST include (recip) in the messaging box. SparkInfluence will automatically insert the correct Twitter handle for action recipients once your stakeholders take action.
Important notes for Tweet actions:
- To Tweet directly at your target: Make sure (recip) is the first word in your Tweet.
- To mention your target in a Tweet: Include (recip) anywhere in the Tweet text.
- No matter the length, a URL will always count for 23 characters in any tweet.
Select your targets/recipients in the “Action Messaging” screen before clicking Save & Next Step. These are the targets for your action. Choosing any of the “By Office” checkboxes will direct stakeholders to the legislators who represent them in each group. You can also select any Legislator Groups or Custom Targets you may have created, too.
Proceed through the remaining screens to publish your action.